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Integrative Care for Dual Diagnosis

Understanding the intricate relationship between substance use disorders and mental health conditions, OneFifteen adopts a whole-person approach to treatment. By addressing elements of a dual diagnosis simultaneously, we ensure a more effective and sustainable recovery journey. Our team of experts crafts personalized treatment plans encompassing a wide range of therapies and services designed to meet the unique needs of each individual in a supportive and understanding environment.

What is a Co-Occurring Disorder?

A co-occurring disorder, often referred to as a dual diagnosis, occurs when an individual struggles with both a substance use disorder and a mental health condition simultaneously. Sometimes, underlying or untreated mental health conditions may lead someone to misusing substances, while at other times, the use of substances leads to the onset of mental health symptoms. The complex relationship between substance use and mental health requires a personalized approach to treatment, as one can often exacerbate the other, creating a cycle that’s challenging to break without addressing both issues together.

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Signs and Symptoms

Fluctuating Moods

Mood changes or instability that doesn’t align with the current situation, for example a persistently low mood, anger outbursts, or irritability, may indicate underlying mental health conditions alongside substance use.

Withdrawal from Social Activities

A noticeable retreat from social situations and hobbies once enjoyed. Withdrawing from social activities can be a sign of both depression and substance use disorders.

Changes in Behavior

Sudden or gradual changes in behavior that are out of character. Behavioral changes, especially those that increase risk or danger, can signal a co-occurring disorder.

Difficulty Managing Daily Tasks

Struggling with everyday responsibilities like work, school, or family obligations. The overwhelm from juggling a mental health disorder with drug use can make daily tasks feel insurmountable, and individuals may also experience difficulties sleeping, concentrating, or eating.

Hallucinations or Paranoid Thoughts

Hearing voices that are not there, or having an exaggerated sense of mistrust and suspicion of others, may be an indication of a co-occurring disorder, or may be the direct result of substances used. They warrant a comprehensive evaluation.

Re-Experiencing Past Events

Nightmares or intrusive thoughts about past traumatic experiences, such as being a victim of abuse or a violent crime, can be evidence of a co-occurring disorder.

Our Doors Are Open

Regardless of where you come from or how many times you have tried before, OneFifteen is here for you.

Treatment Options

Our treatment programs for co-occurring disorders are designed to provide integrated, comprehensive care, with outpatient, residential, and hybrid treatment options available.

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Medication for Mental Health Treatment

Utilizes medications to manage and treat mental health conditions, offering a foundation for recovery by stabilizing the individual’s condition.

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Integrated Therapy Sessions

Combines individual and group therapy approaches designed specifically for dual diagnosis, addressing both mental health and substance use simultaneously to foster understanding, coping strategies, and resilience.

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Comprehensive Case Management

Provides a coordinated care plan that includes healthcare navigation, support services, and resources tailored to the complex needs of individuals with co-occurring disorders, ensuring continuity of care and access to necessary treatments.

Empowering Your Journey to Wellness

Recognizing the signs of co-occurring disorders is a critical first step toward healing. At OneFifteen, we’re equipped to support your journey with integrated treatment plans that address both substance use and mental health conditions. If you or someone you love is navigating the complexities of dual diagnosis, reach out today. Together, we can embark on a path toward recovery, wellness, and a fulfilling life.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Explore our FAQ to gain deeper insights into our unique approach.

The OneFifteen Dayton Campus and Hybrid services offer excellence in addiction treatment. We offer inclusive and accessible services for adults 18 and older — regardless of race, nationality, religion, gender identity, or background—especially those battling drug and alcohol addiction, including those with co-occurring mental health conditions.

Addressing both mental health and substance use disorders together is crucial for effective treatment, as these conditions often interact and exacerbate each other. Integrated care leads to better outcomes and a more sustainable recovery.

Our team conducts in-depth assessments to create personalized treatment plans that address both the substance use and mental health aspects of a dual diagnosis, considering the individual’s unique experiences and needs.

Yes, family involvement is encouraged as part of the treatment process. We offer educational resources to support loved ones in the recovery journey.

We provide ongoing aftercare and support services, including access to outpatient services and community groups, to help maintain long-term recovery and support continued mental health care.

The duration of treatment varies depending on the individual’s specific needs and progress, with flexible outpatient, residential, and hybrid care options available to provide continued support.

Our integrated, evidence-based approach, supported by a team of professionals experienced in both addiction recovery and mental health care, sets us apart in treating co-occurring disorders effectively.

Contact us to begin the assessment process and discuss the best treatment options for you or your loved one’s dual diagnosis. Our team is ready to support you through every step of the journey towards recovery.

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