Donate 2

Your donation supports OneFifteen’s mission to heal people experiencing substance use disorders through learning, science, and partnership. By making a donation today, you offer hope and healing to individuals and families affected by addiction. With your support, OneFifteen can make a profound difference in the recovery journey of individuals, their loved ones, and their communities.

Your Donation Supports

OneFifteen respects your privacy. By making your gift, you are accepting the terms of our Privacy Policy.

OneFifteen Recovery is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable organization.

You can request a copy of our most recently filed financial report from the Charities Bureau Registry on the New York Attorney General’s website ( or by contacting us once our initial reporting begins:

OneFifteen Recovery

257 Hopeland Street Building A Dayton, OH 45417


New York State Attorney General

Department of Law

Charities Bureau

28 Liberty Street

New York, NY 10005


Information on New York charitable organizations can be found on the New York Attorney General’s website

( or by contacting (212) 416-8401.

Your contribution will be used to support any and all expenses incurred by OneFifteen Recovery, including but not limited to the following programs and activities: As part of OneFifteen’s full-service and sustained approach to recovery, the state-of-the-art campus will be home to a broad range of spaces, including residential inpatient and outpatient treatment centers, residential housing, group activity and counseling rooms, fitness facilities and outdoor areas. Family reunification, vocational training spaces and other wraparound services will be added in later phases to increasingly support the critical path toward recovery.


You can obtain a description of the programs and activities that your contribution will support by contacting us at the above address.

Your contribution will be used to support any and all expenses incurred by OneFifteen Recovery, including but not limited to the following programs and activities: As part of OneFifteen’s full-service and sustained approach to recovery, the state-of-the-art campus will be home to a broad range of spaces, including residential inpatient and outpatient treatment centers, residential housing, group activity and counseling rooms, fitness facilities and outdoor areas. Family reunification, vocational training spaces and other wraparound services will be added in later phases to increasingly support the critical path toward recovery.


You can obtain a description of the programs and activities that your contribution will support by contacting us at the above address.