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Sustained Recovery for All

Hopeland House embodies OneFifteen’s commitment to comprehensive recovery solutions, offering a supportive residence that integrates seamlessly with our broader treatment ecosystem. This facility provides safe, supportive housing designed to foster long-term recovery and community reintegration for individuals managing substance use and co-occurring mental health disorders. By combining the security of structured housing with the freedom to engage with the wider community, Hopeland House stands as a model of innovative recovery support.

What is a Recovery House?

A recovery house offers a stable and supportive environment for individuals transitioning from more intensive addiction treatment programs or those who require continued support in their recovery journey. At OneFifteen, recovery residences such as Hopeland House are crucial for sustaining long-term recovery, providing residents with both the community and the resources needed to rebuild their lives.

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Who is Eligible for a Recovery House?

Hopeland House will be open to adults 18 and older who are in recovery from substance use disorders. Ideal candidates are those transitioning from more intensive treatment settings, community members seeking stable recovery-focused housing, or former patients looking to maintain their recovery in a supportive environment. We offer inclusive and accessible services regardless of race, nationality, religion, gender identity, or background. Our facilities are ADA-compliant, and we offer Propio translation services.

Our Doors Are Open

Regardless of where you come from or how many times you have tried before, OneFifteen is here for you.

How it Works

This process is designed to transition residents from treatment into a supportive community environment smoothly. Here, we detail each step we take to promote sustained recovery and well-being.

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Application and Assessment

Prospective residents undergo a thorough assessment to ensure Hopeland House aligns with their recovery needs.

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Integration into Community

Residents are integrated into the house and connected with community resources and ongoing support.

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Ongoing Development and Support

Continuous personal development programs and community engagement activities are provided to support each resident’s recovery journey.

Benefits of Recovery Housing

Stable Living Environment

Offers a secure and stable environment critical for recovery.

Community Support

Fosters a sense of belonging and mutual support among residents.

Continued Care Integration

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Provides a financially accessible option for long-term recovery support.

Personal Growth Opportunities

Encourages personal development and skill-building through various programs.

Resource Accessibility

Ensures easy access to necessary recovery resources and community services.

Pathways to Long-Term Wellness

Hopeland House is more than just recovery housing—it’s a cornerstone of OneFifteen’s mission to advance addiction treatment and improve community health. By integrating evidence-based care with supportive residential settings, we pave the way for meaningful, long-term recovery outcomes. Are you ready to take the next step in your recovery?

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Explore our FAQ to learn more about our unique programs and services.

Recovery housing, such OneFifteen’s Hopeland House, provides a stable and structured living environment that is crucial for individuals transitioning from intensive addiction treatment. It supports recovery by offering ongoing case management, community integration, and a safe space that encourages residents to engage in healthy, sober activities and lifestyle choices.

Hopeland House offers various support services and programs designed to promote long-term recovery. These include case management, access to medical and therapeutic services, community-building activities, and personal development workshops, all aimed at fostering stability and growth in recovery.

This program is seamlessly integrated with OneFifteen’s continuum of care, allowing residents to access outpatient services, continued therapy, and medical care as needed. This integration ensures that residents receive comprehensive support tailored to their ongoing recovery needs.

[APPLICATIONS TO OPEN 2025] To apply for a spot at Hopeland House, prospective residents should contact OneFifteen to start the application and assessment process. This will evaluate their suitability for recovery housing and align them with the appropriate support and resources.

Hopeland House is designed to be financially accessible, with costs structured to accommodate various financial situations. Specific cost details can be obtained by contacting OneFifteen directly, ensuring transparency and affordability for prospective residents.

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